I needed this
Daily Horoscope:
Some uplifting and exhilarating moments lie ahead, so keep that chin up, even if you're feeling gloomy and gray right now. Take a break from worrying no matter how small and indulge in something you love. This might mean a cup of hot chocolate or a quick walk through the park -- whatever it is that floats your boat, do it and you'll cheer up immediately. Personal matters will soon be on the mend, which is even further cause for celebration.
"Gloomy and gray" is a pretty good description. It's amazing to me how much moods can change one's experience of life. Monday night, I was on top of the world. I went home and cooked food for a week and tossed it into the freezer in lunch-sized containers. I cleaned the entire kitchen and re-organized the cereal cabinet. I went to bed, read for an hour, and woke up Tuesday morning refreshed and happy.
I spent Tuesday fighting my tools at work and learning that this week's project is bigger than I thought and then at karate I had an attack of the "stupids". We were doing stuff I've seen before and I couldn't remember it. When I did remember, I couldn't make my feet move right. I was so frustrated.
And that's continued to this morning. I'm anxious and I'm finding all kinds of reasons to be anxious. There's the "Judge Judy" episode with the crying woman, the class 4 hurricane that's heading toward Galveston a week before my cruise leaves there, even my friend's immenant return of his estranged wife, and now, my spelling. None of this has anything really to do with me. I'm borrowing anxiety to stoke or give form to this mood I find myself with.
So, I like the reminder that I don't have to feed it. It's there, but I can go do those things that are soothing and wait to see what happens to the mood.
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